The South Canterbury RSA offers advice as well as friendship and support in times of need.
We are in need of more local volunteers to help us look after our community. Please get in touch if you want to get involved.
For more information on the support the RSA can provide please click this link: Support for Veterans (rsa.org.nz)
Our Canterbury District Support Manager is Jo Frew.
dsm.canterbury@rsa.org.nz | 021 208 4622
For more information on how Veterans Affairs can support you follow this link Ex-serving | Veterans’ Affairs (veteransaffairs.mil.nz)
SCRSA Poppy Charitable Trust
(Registration Number CC52332)
If you are a Returned or Service man or woman and you would like to apply to the SC RSA Poppy Charitable Trust for a grant in a time of need, please get in touch either by:
Email – admin@scrsa.co.nz
Post – PO Box 15, Timaru 7940
We can provide a form and this will be delivered to the Poppy Trust in confidence.
You could also send your request in writing by post to:
SCRSA Poppy Trust, PO Box 15, Timaru 7940
or place it in the SCRSA Letterbox at the TTCC (by the stairs).
The current Chairman of the Poppy Trust is Tony Wood.